Imprint and Information for Online Disputes

Information for Online Disputes

"Online Dispute Resolution" (ODR platform by EU regulation)

Link to EU online dispute resolution (splatform)

Information according to Paragraph. 14 of EU Regulation no. 524/2013 (ODR Regulation)

Information for online dispute resolution: The European Commission presents an Internet platform for online dispute settlement (so-called "ODR platform") as a focal point for the extrajudicial settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online contracts on goods or services used.

The EU Commission OS platform can be accessed at the link:

We can be reached via e-mail address:
Terms and Conditions

Le Timbre Classique Paris




Conditions of Sale

Participation in sales organised by “Le Timbre Classique” means that you accept all of our
conditions below as well as the rights and obligations arising therefrom.

1. We guarantee the authenticity of individual lots (stamps, covers and related material
not limited to proofs, essays and specimens) for a period of 5 years. Lots composed of
several stamps or letters which are not individually described are specifically excluded
from this guarantee.

The submission of an offer on an individual lot with an expert’s certificate or signature
signifies the buyer’s acceptance of this expertise and excludes that lot from any claims based
on the opinion of another expert. If the buyer wants the advice of another expert, he must
inform us with his offer.

2. The lots can be viewed either in our offices or at the place of sale, at the times
mentioned in the catalogue or on our website.

3. The customer is responsible for all damage caused while handling the stamps.

4. Only the customer registered with our company may participate in our sales.

5. We may withdraw a lot or group two or more lots at any time.

6. We may at any time refuse the participation of a client in our sale or auction without
giving any justification.

7. The photos of the lots in our catalogues or on our site are part of the descriptions:
perforations, margins, centring, cancellations, colours, etc.

2.1 A reclamation (for an individual lot) concerning the quality, an error of description or any
other request, must be notified to us upon receipt of the goods, but always within 30 days after
the sale. Otherwise, the customer loses the right to any return or adjustment.
We do not accept reclamations about collections or lots made up of several stamps or covers.
We do not accept a return of large or mixed lots if the buyer has had the opportunity to
examine them personally or through an agent.
We do not accept the return of a lot if it has been intentionally altered by the buyer.

2.2 Any request for an expertise (only for an individual lot) must be made during the sale, or
at most 2 weeks after the day of the sale. A return based on any expertise obtained by the
buyer upon receipt of his goods, but without our approval, will not be accepted.

3. All auction bids must be made in EURO. There is no buyer’s commission.

The lots will go to the bidder with the highest offer at the price of the second highest
offer plus 5%. Example : We receive three offers for a same lot : 150, 200 et 225
euros. The lot will go to the bidder having made the offer of 225 euros 200 + 5% (10
euros) = 210 euros.

If the difference between two offers is less than 5%, then the higher offer will be
taken into account. In the case of a single bid, the 5% will be calculated on the
start price

In the event that we receive two identical bids or offers for the same lot, we will award
the lot to the one that arrives first.

The lots will be sent by registered mail. 1% will be charged as insurance costs. Should
this 1% not be paid by the buyer, the sending will be sent at the risk of the buyer. The
mailing costs comprise postage, handling and list of results : according to current
rates. A supplement of 10 euros will be charged for sending above 2000 euros. For
large sendings, the effective costs will be charged.

4. Payment for the goods: payment is due on the day of the sale.

4.1 We accept a payment delay only on lots to be expertised.

4.2 We accept payment in another currency, provided that the exchange rate applied is
indicated or agreed by our company. The buyer will be responsible for any exchange rate
difference if he has not made an express request or agreement for the exchange rate with our

4.3 We will deliver the goods once we have received the full amount owed by the buyer.

4.4 Any goods returned to us without valid reason will be reshipped against payment of a new
shipping invoice and other related costs.

4.5 Any goods not paid in full will remain the property of the seller.

4.6 If after sending three reminders, the customer has not paid his complete debt, Le Timbre
Classique will keep any amounts already paid as initial compensation.

5. Late payment: A charge of EUR 40 per reminder, as well as a penalty of 5% of the total
invoice on the 30th day after the sale, then 2% of the sums due per additional month or
portion thereof.

6. Certificates for items with a value of more than 400 euros can be obtained upon request at
no extra charge. For lots under 400 euros, a participation of 10 euros will be charged.

7. Applicable law and jurisdiction: The sale and all resulting legal actions arising therefrom
will be subject to French law only.

Any action against a French or a foreign buyer will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of
the courts of Paris.

8. Our company does not insure and assumes no liability for:
– Personal injury or material damage occurring during the journey to the office or to the place
of sale.
– Bodily injury at the point of sale.

Conditions of Sale – Net Price List

Participation in sales organised by "Le Timbre Classique" means that you accept all of our conditions below as well as the rights and obligations arising therefrom.

1. We guarantee the authenticity of individual lots (stamps, covers and related material not limited to proofs, essays and specimens) for a period of 5 years. Lots composed of several stamps or letters which are not individually described are specifically excluded from this guarantee.

The purchase of an individual lot with an expert's certificate or signature signifies the buyer's acceptance of this expertise and excludes that lot from any claims based on the opinion of another expert. If the buyer wants the advice of another expert, he must make this request in advance.

1.1 The lots can be viewed either in our offices or at the place of sale, at the times mentioned in the catalogue or on our website.

1.2 The customer is responsible for all damage caused while handling the stamps.

1.3 We may withdraw a lot or group two or more lots at any time.

2. The photos of the lots in our catalogues or on our site are part of the descriptions: perforations, margins, centring, cancellations, colours, etc.

2.1 A reclamation (for an individual lot) concerning the quality, an error of description or any other request, must be notified to us upon receipt of the goods, but always within 30 days after the sale. Otherwise, the customer loses the right to any return or adjustment.
We do not accept reclamations about collections or lots made up of several stamps or covers.
We do not accept a return of large or mixed lots if the buyer has had the opportunity to examine them personally or through an agent.
We do not accept the return of a lot if it has been intentionally altered by the buyer.

3. All prices are in EURO and are net.

        3.1 The lots will be sent by registered mail once the payment has been received. 1% will be charged as insurance costs. Should this 1% not be paid by the buyer, the sending will be sent at the risk of the buyer. The mailing costs comprise postage, handling and list of results. These costs are 8 euros for France and 13 euros for sendings going abroad. A supplement of 10 euros will be charged for sending above 2000 euros. For large sendings, the effective costs will be charged.
4. Payment for the goods: payment is due on the day of the sale.

4.1 We accept payment in another currency, provided that the exchange rate applied is indicated or agreed by our company. The buyer will be responsible for any exchange rate difference if he has not made an express request or agreement for the exchange rate with our company.

4.2 We will deliver the goods once we have received the full amount owed by the buyer.

4.3 Any goods returned to us without valid reason will be reshipped against payment of a new shipping invoice and other related costs.

4.4 Any goods not paid in full will remain the property of the seller. If after sending three reminders, the customer has not paid his complete debt, Le Timbre Classique will keep any amounts already paid as initial compensation.

Late payment: A charge of EUR 40 per reminder, as well as a penalty of 5% of the total invoice on the 30th day after the sale, then 2% of the sums due per additional month or portion thereof.

5. Certificates for items with a value of more than 400 euros can be obtained upon request at no extra charge. For lots under 400 euros, a participation of 10 euros will be charged.

6. Applicable law and jurisdiction: The sale and all resulting legal actions arising therefrom will be subject to French law only.
Any action against a French or a foreign buyer will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Paris.

7. Our company does not insure and assumes no liability for:

- Personal injury or material damage occurring during the journey to the office or to the place of sale.

- Bodily injury at the point of sale.


Conditions de Vente – Vente à Prix Nets / Conditions of Sale - Price Lists

La participation aux ventes de la société « Le Timbre Classique » signifie que vous acceptez l’intégralité des conditions ci-dessous ainsi que les droits et obligations qui en découlent.

1. Tous les lots sont garantis authentiques selon la norme de la Chambre syndicale des experts en philatélie et conformes à la description du catalogue. L’achat d’un lot individuel présentant un certificat ou une signature d’expert signifie l’acceptation par l’acheteur de cette expertise et exclut ce lot d’une réclamation basée sur l’avis d’un autre expert. Si l’acheteur souhaite l’avis d’un autre expert, il doit nous en faire la demande.
1.1 Les lots peuvent être consultés dans nos bureaux, aux horaires mentionnés sur le catalogue ou sur notre site internet.
1.2 Le client est responsable de l’ensemble des dommages causés pendant la manipulation des timbres.
1.3 Nous pourrons à tout moment retirer un lot.

2. Les photos des lots dans nos catalogues ou sur notre site font partie des descriptions : la dentelure, la marge, le centrage, les oblitérations, les couleurs, etc.
2.1 La réclamation (pour un lot individuel) concernant la qualité, une erreur de description ou tout autre demande, doit nous être signifiée à réception de la marchandise mais toujours dans les 30 jours après la vente.
Nous n’acceptons pas les réclamations sur des collections ou lots composés de plusieurs objets.
Nous n’acceptons pas le retour du lot si celui-ci a été volontairement altéré par l’acheteur.

3. Les prix des lots sont exprimés en euros et sont nets.
3.1 Les lots seront expédiés par envoi postal en recommandé après réception du règlement total. 1% du total de la facture sera dû au titre des frais d’assurance de la marchandise. En cas de non-paiement de ce 1% d’assurance, la marchandise voyagera aux risques de l’acheteur. Les frais d’expédition comprenant port, emballage, envoi de la liste des résultats : France 8 euros, Etranger 13 euros. Un supplément de 10 euros sera ajouté pour les envois d’une valeur supérieure à 2000 euros. Pour les colis volumineux, le montant réel de port sera facturé.

4. Paiement de la marchandise : le paiement de la marchandise est dû à réception de la facture.
4.1 Nous acceptons un paiement dans une autre devise, à condition que le taux de change appliqué soit celui indiqué par notre société. L’acheteur sera responsable de la différence de change s’il n’a pas fait la demande expresse du taux de change.
4.2 Nous délivrerons la marchandise une fois que nous aurons reçu le montant total dû par l’acheteur.
4.3 Toute marchandise nous revenant sans justificatif valable sera réexpédiée contre le paiement d’une nouvelle facture de transport et autres frais liés.
4.4 Toute marchandise non payée en totalité restera la propriété du vendeur. Dans ce cas, si après l’envoi de trois rappels, le client n’a toujours pas soldé sa dette, Le Timbre Classique conservera les montants déjà payés à titre de premiers dédommagements.
Retard de paiement : 40 euros par rappel, ainsi qu’une pénalité de 5% de la facture le 30è jour après la vente, puis 2% des sommes dues par mois supplémentaire entamé.

5. Un certificat photographique d’authenticité est fourni gracieusement sur demande pour les pièces d’une valeur supérieure à 400 euros. Pour les pièces inférieures à 400 euros, une participation de 10 euros par certificat sera facturée.

6. Droit applicable et juridiction : Les ventes ainsi que toutes les relations juridiques qui en découlent seront soumises au droit français uniquement. Toute action contre un acheteur français ou à l’étranger sera soumis à la juridiction exclusive du tribunal de Commerce de Paris.

7. Notre société n’assure et n’assume aucune responsabilité en cas de :

Dommage corporel ou matériel survenant pendant le trajet vers le bureau.

Dommage corporel en nos bureaux.
Privacy agreement

Le Timbre Classique Paris

We comply to all EU privacy rules.
Auction Results
December 10th, 2024
Le Timbre Classique Paris - 239th Mail Auction
A new selection of 4212 lots of stamps and covers with mostly France, Monaco and French Colonies. Our mail sales are traditionally without ...
June 30th, 2022
Le Timbre Classique Paris - 40th Mail Auction
A new selection of over 2000 lots of stamps and over 2000 lots of covers with mostly France and French Colonies. Our mail sales are ...
December 7th, 2021
Le Timbre Classique Paris - 39th Mail Auction
France and French Colonies with strength in classic stamps and postal history
November 26th, 2020
Le Timbre Classique Paris - 36th Mail Auction
2965 Lots of France and French Colonies with strength in classic stamps and postal history.